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Vetting Business Partners Thoroughly – Upholds Corporate Integrity

Vetting Business Partners Thoroughly – Upholds Corporate Integrity

26 Jun 2024 Hong Kong China

In business cooperation or transactions, bribery or false reporting to gain benefits occurs from time to time. Recently, there have been news reports revealing that employees of international brands and local companies were involved in corruption or concealing conflicts of interest, further proving the importance of third-party Due Diligence in business cooperation or transactions. This not only helps to avoid reputational risks but also ensures compliance with regulatory and legal requirements.

Third-party due diligence includes, but is not limited to, identifying the source of wealth, ultimate beneficiaries, political risks and connections, as well as other regulatory and compliance risks. It can also assess country-specific risks.

We assist clients in identifying potential risks and complying with regulatory requirements through third-party due diligence, screening business partners that meet the criteria. The investigation results provide a clear and concise overview of client risks, enabling clients to quickly identify potential issues and take appropriate actions.