

Business Credit

Integration of information obtained from various sources, combined with in-depth analysis and credit risk assessment to safeguard corporate clients against apparent business and financial risks in their business engagements.


Adopting a foundational approach with registration information, credit rating and litigation records, our Credit Report uncovers potential business risks for clients before entering into a contractual relationship. The retrieval of registration information supplemented with investigations serves to verify a company's operational status hence provide an overview of the company background for the assessment of business scope and scale, qualifications, operating history, and financial performance. Credit rating is a widely referenced indicator of whether a business relationship should be considered in the first place. Detailed findings obtained from litigation checks may reveal any ongoing disputes that could result in disruptions to the company's operations and hidden issues based on patterns identified in the litigation records.

    • Our business credit search centers on three overarching approaches:

      • Utilize comprehensive databases and extensive information sources
      • Conduct all-rounded searches on corporate background, shareholding structure, directors, business model, litigation and non-compliance status, credit status and media records
      • Conduct reputation intelligence and media search to identify hidden business risks and issues
      • Provide insights on highlighted red flags
    • Riding on the key objectives of our business credit search to identify hidden business risks and issues, our all-rounded support methodologies centers on:

      • Over 50,000 search and verification database and information sources which collects processes, analyzes business and individual data for due diligence
      • High data accuracy level for M&A/ IPO professionals, MNCs and listed companies
      • Service capacity covering over 687 cities, 31 provinces and autonomous regions in Mainland China; across 214 countries and regions globally
      • Over 260 miliions of China company records and 70,000+ Hong Kong company records
      • Work with over 500 information search and verification vendors
    • CBI's business search and investigation experts, together with our comprehensive local and international databases and information sources, we have conducted over 200,000 business profile search related due diligence projects annually, and successfully support our clients in gaining an in-depth understanding of the background and business profile of the company subject.

      The key value we are going to offer to client is to identifying the major and hidden issues that are critical to the all-rounded understanding of the Subject.

    • CBI's standard packages will enable our clients to gain an all-rounded understanding of the Subject's shareholding background, directorship, senior management, corporate structure, operating status as well as regulatory compliance status. The premium packages could be extended based on client’s needs, which are designed to obtain feedback and insight on the Subject's business reputation from its former executives and employees and other human sources or peers in the Subject's industry and professional circles, with first-hand insight and knowledge of the internal culture, red-flag matters and management styles/ issues relating to the Subject.

      To allow flexibility in tailoring our business credit areas and scope of work, we divide our Business Credit into standard and premium business credit scope:

      Standard scope:

      • Credit Report
      • Special Credit Report
      • Company Search
      • Registration Report
      • Profile Report
      • General Report
      • Comprehensive Report
      • VIP Report
      • Business Financial Report
      • Site Investigation
      • Directorship Search
      • Winding-up Search
      • Bankruptcy Search
      • Litigation Search 
      • Writ Search

      Additional Scope (could be extended based on client’s needs):

      • Media/ Social Media Search
      • Global Compliance Check
      • Reputation Intelligence

Other Services

Enhanced Due Diligence
Employment Screening
Asset Search
Business Verification
Site Investigation